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Army of the Tennessee ( ~44,000)
Commander: MG Ulysses S. Grant
XIII Corps      MG John A. McClernand
XV Corps       MG William T. Sherman
XVII Corps     MG James B. McPherson
XVI Corps      MG Cadwallader C. Washburn (3 Div)
IX Corps        MG John G. Parke ( Jun, 1863)
Det From NE Louisiana    BG Elias S. Dennis

Army of Mississippi ~30,000*
Commander: LTG John C. Pemberton
Division Commanders:
MG William W. Loring
MG Carter L. Stevenson
MG Martin L. Smith
MG John H. Forney
MG John S. Bowen


*Gen. Joseph E. Johnston had forces near Raymond and Jackson, Mississippi numbering about 6,000 men. He did not materially add in the defense of Vicksburg during the campaign.

The Battles:
Chickasaw Bayou -  Dec 26-29, 1862
Arkansas Post - Jan 9-11, 1863
Grant's Canal 
Lake Providence Expedition
Duckport Canal
Vicksburg - 29 Apr - 4 July 1863
      Grand Gulf - 29 Apr 1863
      Synder's  Bluff - 29 Apr - 1 May 1863
      Port Gibson - 1 May 1863
      Raymond - 12 May 1863
      Jackson - 14 May 1863
      Champion Hill - 16 May 1863
      Big Black River - 17 May 1863
      Siege of Vicksburg - 18 May - 4 Jul 1863

The Vicksburg campaign was a series of maneuvers and battles in the Western Theater of the American Civil War directed against Vicksburg, Mississippi, a fortress city that dominated the last Confederate-controlled section of the Mississippi River. The Union Army of the Tennessee under Major General Ulysses S. Grant gained control of the river by capturing this stronghold and defeating Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton's forces stationed there.

The campaign consisted of many important naval operations, troop maneuvers, failed initiatives, and eleven distinct battles from December 26, 1862, to July 4, 1863. 

© 2023 Vicksburg Campaign. Maps/Text  from Wikipedia, NPS, American Battlefield trust.

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