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Manassa, Virginia is the site of two major Civil War battles.

1st Manassas ( also known as 1st Bull Run)

2nd Manassas (also know as 2nd Bull Run)


Manassas at the time was a railway junction for major railroads running both east/west and north/south. It is located about 25 miles from Washington, DC.


1st Manassas was the first decisive battle of the Civil War following the surrender of Fort Sumter. The battle took place on July 21, 1861 about four months after Fort Sumter (April 12-13, 1861).  By the standards of future Civil War battles, the casualties on both sides were relatively light ( About 2,700 Union and 2,000 Confederate casualties.)


2nd Manassas was fought following the 7 Days Campaign ( June 25 - July 1, 1862) The battle took place on Aug 28-30, 1862.  This battle had significantly higher casualties on both sides. (About 14,500 Union and 7,300 Confederate casualties.)





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